B.B. King is filmed in Piccadilly recording his ‘B.B. King in London’ album. (1972)
Source: BBC – Sounding Out, B.B. King
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
B.B. King is filmed in Piccadilly recording his ‘B.B. King in London’ album. (1972)
Source: BBC – Sounding Out, B.B. King
Today I taught my student how to use a distortion pedal and use it for soloing techniques.
A look at Western composers and their music.
Source: Music History 102
Tune your guitar here ready for practice.
Source: Free Online Guitar Tuner
Once you’ve mastered the basic open chords try the common ones used by famous guitarists.
Source: Open guitar chords
This chord may take time to learn if you’re a beginner. Spot the upside down D chord shape.
This version of B7 is one of the easiest with practice.
B7 guitar chord. Picture of an easy-to-play B7 guitar chord.
Source: B7 Guitar
I inherited a Dobro Resonator courtesy of Martin Bate. Here are more details about their origin.
Source: dobro resonator guitar
Wikipedia link:
Advice he gives his students, I couldn’t agree more:
“Learn your scales and you’re never lost.” Tim
For the experienced player, beginners need to train their first finger for this one.