Source: Gav and Emelye
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
Gav’s Music Night March 2016
-My 10th year running mic nights-
click the picture for the video
“I’ve LOVED tonight.” Kim
“Thanks for a fantastic night you even got simon tapping the table to the rythm well done to all your students, done a great job.” Denise
“I can’t WAIT to perform on the next one!” Tom
“Just brilliant.” Phil
“The Irish song was OUTSTANDING, wow.” Craig
“It has helped him loads to have an interest. We all enjoyed it.” Anon.
“I loved it. Very bluesy.” Cormac.
“Wow……………. LOVE the riffs and soloooooing and celtic / thin lizzy stuff.” David
“You sent be back to my childhood with ‘Rocky Road’.” Dennis
Source: Gav and Emelye
Thanks for talking about our shows G&E fans, turns out you’ve got us a new one! So here’s a little something back.
Source: Gav and Emelye
Click here for the New Mic Night
Find out how our previous show went.
Source: (1) Gav and Emelye
“That’s really awesome Gavin” Paul
“Oh my gosh that’s amazing, go you!!!!” Che
“Sounds great! looking like a dude too. Simon
That was wikid Gavin xx” Jenny