B.B. King is filmed in Piccadilly recording his ‘B.B. King in London’ album. (1972)
Source: BBC – Sounding Out, B.B. King
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
B.B. King is filmed in Piccadilly recording his ‘B.B. King in London’ album. (1972)
Source: BBC – Sounding Out, B.B. King
In mid-1950s America, out of the Deep South came a new rhythm-driven fusion music.
Source: BBC Four – Rock ‘n’ Roll America, Sweet Little Sixteen
Learn more about analysing melody, harmony and rhythmic features in musical pieces with BBC Bitesize GCSE Music.
Source: BBC Bitesize – GCSE Music – How to listen – Revision 1
A range of musical examples used to demonstrate the structure and use of the 12 bar blues.
Source: BBC Bitesize – GCSE Music – Twelve bar blues – structure and use
A pioneering Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar, the Black Beauty, is to be auctioned in New York in February.
Source: Pioneering Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar to be auctioned
Strum chords and sing, here are some tips:
Children love joining along with music, but what benefits can song and rhythm bring to your young child?
Source: BBC iWonder – How will learning a musical instrument help my child?
What role does music software play in composing and performing music? Learn more with BBC Bitesize GCSE Music.
Source: BBC Bitesize – GCSE Music – Music software – Test
What role does music software play in composing and performing music? Learn more with BBC Bitesize GCSE Music.
Source: BBC Bitesize – GCSE Music – Music software – Revision 1