British rock guitarist Eric Clapton sells more than 70 of his instruments at a charity auction in New York, raising more than $2.15m.
Source: Eric Clapton auctions guitars for charity – BBC News
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
British rock guitarist Eric Clapton sells more than 70 of his instruments at a charity auction in New York, raising more than $2.15m.
Source: Eric Clapton auctions guitars for charity – BBC News
“Playing scales for grades is like walking up and down stairs, you wouldn’t want to step on the highest one twice.”
“LOVED the quick playing you’ve got going on”
L Spooner
Rock star Eric Clapton is to sell off part of his extensive guitar collection to raise money for his rehab clinic.
Source: Eric Clapton to sell off guitars for Crossroads Centre – BBC News
Whether you’re a beginner or an accomplished player I’m sure there are new things to learn about the steel string acoustic.
Source: Steel-string acoustic guitar
Probably the busiest key with all six sharps, barre chords are needed throughout unless a capo is used.
Source: Chords In The Key Of F Sharp
Gave me with the opportunity to teach guitar for adult education.
Source: Dexy’s Midnight Runners: Pete Williams
Thanks again Pete!
From Gav
When you gain confidence and experience with a D chord, the left hand thumb can hook over the neck to the low E string.
Hendrix did this a lot for his more danced chords.
Source: D chord
Whether you’re interested in learning classical or already play I’m sure there’s new things to find out about it.