The main page of Registry of Guitar Tutors Guitar Exams including electric guitar, acoustic, guitar, bass guitar, classical guitar, rock guitar and jazz guitar examinations.
Chords In The Key Of C
SO much fun!
Me “Who wants to play a guitar game?”
11 Year old Student “YYYAAAAAAYYYYY!!!! I LOVE this.”
Guitar Tuner
Tune your guitar here ready for practice.
Source: Free Online Guitar Tuner
Phrygian Mode
Certainly one of the oddest titles you’ll learn about.
It is one of the darker toned sounds in music, often found in Spanish music.
Source: phrygian mode
Online Metronome
Lydian mode
A happy and positive sounding scale, the raised fourth makes it sound different to the traditional Major Scale.
Source: Lydian mode
Know the basic chords?
Once you’ve mastered the basic open chords try the common ones used by famous guitarists.
Source: Open guitar chords