Play your guitar in time with this:
Source: Free Online Metronome
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
A lot of beginners struggle with multi tasking, only last week a novice was trying desperately to incorporate tapping his foot on the floor whilst playing. Making it natural will take practice. Here’s a bit of inspiration:
Counting out loud, and singing:
One of the oldest scales often found in rock, metal, and pop music. It is one of the easiest scales to learn but has many layers which an advanced player would use.
Here are is more information about it.
Source: E minor
Click here to find out how the metronome was created and its use.
“Playing scales for grades is like walking up and down stairs, you wouldn’t want to step on the highest one twice.”
As I teach guitar or bass I often find myself teaching maths to students to help them get their head round various tasks.