An advanced chord involving all 6 strings. Enharmonic to Ab.
Source: G# Guitar Chord
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
Source: barre chord
The guitarists view of their G barre chord.
Beginners are advised to get lots of practice first.
Source: Barre chord
A sad sounding chord, the more strings held down the better it sounds but this an easier version. Beginners should take their time with this and make sure they have a bit of experience with basic chords first.
Source: Bm chord
Click here to find out how the metronome was created and its use.
Play these three notes on the guitar and then identify the chords in the key.
British rock guitarist Eric Clapton sells more than 70 of his instruments at a charity auction in New York, raising more than $2.15m.
Source: Eric Clapton auctions guitars for charity – BBC News
“Playing scales for grades is like walking up and down stairs, you wouldn’t want to step on the highest one twice.”