Play your guitar in time with this:
Source: Free Online Metronome
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
A lot of beginners struggle with multi tasking, only last week a novice was trying desperately to incorporate tapping his foot on the floor whilst playing. Making it natural will take practice. Here’s a bit of inspiration:
Counting out loud, and singing:
Children love joining along with music, but what benefits can song and rhythm bring to your young child?
Source: BBC iWonder – How will learning a musical instrument help my child?
A night out, front row. Cheers for the ticket, Dave!
For the experienced player, beginners need to train their first finger for this one.
What role does music software play in composing and performing music? Learn more with BBC Bitesize GCSE Music.
Source: BBC Bitesize – GCSE Music – Music software – Test
“This is to Ben Marshall and Gavin Crump the two best Guitarists that I’ve ever met.”
Source: Barre chord
It’s a sign…
Heading to Graceland to visit the Presley Estate.