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4 string
Scales and Modes
Source: scales and modes
Imbedded in music, but how?
Get you’re head around the Major Scale first to unlock the mysteries. You could even pass some grades with practice.
The Dorian Mode
Source: The Dorian mode
Mode number two goes: D E F G A B C D and sounds different to the C major scale: C D E F G A B C.
Exploring beats using percussion instruments
A percussionist explores beat using a range of percussion instruments.
Source: BBC Bitesize – Exploring beat using percussion instruments
Guitar Tuner
Tune your guitar here ready for practice.
Source: Free Online Guitar Tuner
Phrygian Mode
Certainly one of the oddest titles you’ll learn about.
It is one of the darker toned sounds in music, often found in Spanish music.
Source: phrygian mode
Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time
A lot of beginners struggle with multi tasking, only last week a novice was trying desperately to incorporate tapping his foot on the floor whilst playing. Making it natural will take practice. Here’s a bit of inspiration:
Counting out loud, and singing:
Seventh Chord
Here’s how bluesy chords work, they sometimes occur in pop songs. The technical term is called Dominant 7 and relies on the flattened 7th.
Source: Seventh chord
How will learning a musical instrument help my child?
Children love joining along with music, but what benefits can song and rhythm bring to your young child?
Source: BBC iWonder – How will learning a musical instrument help my child?
Two experienced tutors chatting over coffee
Advice he gives his students, I couldn’t agree more:
“Learn your scales and you’re never lost.” Tim