I went to the Hard Rock Cafe, would’ve been rude not to.
Take Your Pic
My student made plectrum holders out of house hold items.
How do electric guitars work?
An easy-to-understand explanation of guitar science: how electric guitars make sound using electricity and magnetism to detect their moving metal strings.
Source: How do electric guitars work?

In the Zone
How it looks
How a G7 looks on the fretboard
A bluesy chord often found in 12 bar, recommend for beginners in the early stages of learning.
Quote of the month
Guitar tutor “What do you do?”
Gav ” teach large groups of people, generally 10 a night, how about you?”
“10?! My largest group is 3, I’d hate like your job”
Tommy Emmanuel – Mombasa (Center Stage 2008) – YouTube

Totally Worth It
“Just a word or two to thank you very much the time and effort that you have furnished me with in developing my guitar playing. Whilst you complement my efforts, it is down to your continued patience and tolerance that i have stuck at it, and continue to enjoy.”
Melody – Test
Learn about the linear sequence of notes called a melody with BBC Bitesize GCSE Music.
Source: BBC Bitesize – GCSE Music – Melody – Test