Source: Barre chord
Learn to Play
USA Road trip
It’s a sign…
Heading to Graceland to visit the Presley Estate.
Pulse and Rhythm
Music Pulse and rhythm resources for adults, children, parents and teachers.
Source: BBC Bitesize – KS1 Music – Pulse and rhythm Class Clips
Guitar-maker Fender plans £200m share flotation
Fender Musical Instruments, the maker of guitars used by musicians from Jimi Hendrix to Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour, announces plans to sell shares.
Source: Guitar-maker Fender plans £200m share flotation – BBC News

A Gift
Bm chord (three fingers)
A sad sounding chord, the more strings held down the better it sounds but this an easier version. Beginners should take their time with this and make sure they have a bit of experience with basic chords first.
Source: Bm chord
4 types of sad sounds
D Major scale
Minor chords with a twist
Developing your musical ear
With practice we can hear the relationship of notes, this stuff will change how you hear music and can even help you pass grades for guitar.
Source: the perfect 5th
Easy with practice:
With a bit MORE practice: