Tune your guitar here ready for practice.
Source: Free Online Guitar Tuner
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
Tune your guitar here ready for practice.
Source: Free Online Guitar Tuner
Whilst learning guitar these singing tips will come in useful.
Source: BBC – Sing – Learn to Sing
Certainly one of the oddest titles you’ll learn about.
It is one of the darker toned sounds in music, often found in Spanish music.
Source: phrygian mode
A happy and positive sounding scale, the raised fourth makes it sound different to the traditional Major Scale.
Source: Lydian mode
A lot of beginners struggle with multi tasking, only last week a novice was trying desperately to incorporate tapping his foot on the floor whilst playing. Making it natural will take practice. Here’s a bit of inspiration:
Counting out loud, and singing:
Once you’ve mastered the basic open chords try the common ones used by famous guitarists.
Source: Open guitar chords
Strum chords and sing, here are some tips: