How the fretboard diagram works.
Source: Guitar Chords – Diagrams | Scales | Keys | Lookup Charts
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
This chord may take time to learn if you’re a beginner. Spot the upside down D chord shape.
This version of B7 is one of the easiest with practice.
B7 guitar chord. Picture of an easy-to-play B7 guitar chord.
Source: B7 Guitar
I inherited a Dobro Resonator courtesy of Martin Bate. Here are more details about their origin.
Source: dobro resonator guitar
Wikipedia link:
Advice he gives his students, I couldn’t agree more:
“Learn your scales and you’re never lost.” Tim
The nuts and bolts behind it:
Source: Ionian mode
Beginners are advised to get lots of practice before attempting this, it can knock confidence if doesn’t go to plan first time round.
Source: Play barre chords on guitar
A# Guitar Chord –
Not for the beginner, but you’ll notice it’s an A chord up one fret.
Source: A# Guitar Chord
One of the oldest scales often found in rock, metal, and pop music. It is one of the easiest scales to learn but has many layers which an advanced player would use.
Here are is more information about it.
Source: E minor