As I got into teaching guitar to students who wanted to enhance their guitar skills, they trusted me giving them progressive skills. I had to know my stuff and study the masters.
Source: Eric Roche’s Website
West Midlands based Guitar Tutor
As I got into teaching guitar to students who wanted to enhance their guitar skills, they trusted me giving them progressive skills. I had to know my stuff and study the masters.
Source: Eric Roche’s Website
Daniel Müllensiefen explains what ‘How Musical Are You?’ is about and why the research is important
“That’s really awesome Gavin” Paul
“Oh my gosh that’s amazing, go you!!!!” Che
“Sounds great! looking like a dude too. Simon
That was wikid Gavin xx” Jenny
My favourite piece equipment for teaching and gigging.
When you’ve got your head around the basics of advanced playing try this to keep you on your toes.
Source: – Lessons and Articles
When you enjoy learning basic major chords and how they look, it’s worth visiting the minor chords in good time.
Take your time memorising the musical alphabet across the fretboard.