May 4, 2016 – Pictures of unusual guitars ? General Acoustic Guitar Discussion
A look at commonly used music
Gravity Defying Plectrum
It took me a few minutes to realise that he hadn’t dropped the pick for a few practice sessions now, something quite common with strumming patterns when learning pop songs from Oasis to The Jam.
Notice anything unusual?
The best advice to pass on today from my student is that in order to reduce the amount of times the plectrum falls into the sound hole and keep a good grip in general, use reversible sticky tape. Recommended for playing strong rhythmic songs.
Thanks Keith!
Better know MY stuff
As I got into teaching guitar to students who wanted to enhance their guitar skills, they trusted me giving them progressive skills. I had to know my stuff and study the masters.
Source: Eric Roche’s Website
An interactive way
Source: Victor Wooten
Bass Technique
I really got into slap bass and funk when I first played bass, couldn’t get enough of this player and used a lot of his thump techniques for the six string too.
The Official Website of bassist, composer, educator and author Victor Wooten
Source: Education
Spot the Difference
Being a professional guitarist in the real world.
When you’ve got your head around the basics of advanced playing try this to keep you on your toes.
Basic Chords
Here are five basic shapes an experienced player uses to play pop songs.
The happy and sad sounds
When you enjoy learning basic major chords and how they look, it’s worth visiting the minor chords in good time.
A Chord Box
Become familiar with this if you want to start learning about chords.